Help us bring back the stolen books

For nine years, the National Library was exposed to theft of valuable books. Still today the search for the missing books continues.

In 2004, staff discovered that several books were missing from the library. That was the starting point of an extensive inventory of the library collections. Eventually it was noted that 62 of the National Library's (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) older and more valuable books were stolen, and that the thefts had been going on for nine years (1995–2004).

It turned out that one of KB's own employees had stolen the books. To be able to sell them abroad he hid the books’ provenance – their unique history – by removing signatures or even entire pages.

Since the theft was discovered, work has been undertaken to retrieve the stolen books. So far, 19 books have been returned to KB.


If you have any information that can help us retrieve the stolen books, please contact:

Greger Bergvall

A compilation of the stolen books

In total 62 books were stolen from KB. A list of the stolen books can be found here, including the 19 books that have since been returned to the library.

  1. Bodenehr, Gabriel.
    Europens Pracht und Macht in 200. Kupfer-Stücken worinnen nicht nur allein die Berühmtest und Ansehnlichste, sondern auch andere Stätte, Festungen...
    Augspurg, Gabriel Bodenehr, [ca 1710].
    Sold by F. Dörling 20/21 nov 1995, lot 227, to a buyer in Germany.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 17/18 nov 2008, lot 40.
  2. Carlevaris, Luca.
    Le fabriche, e vedute di Venetia. Disegnate, lote in prospettiva et intagliate da Luca Carlevariis.
    Venetia, Gio. Battista Finazzi, [1703].
    Sold by F. Dörling 20/21 nov 1995, lot 242, to a buyer in USA.
  3. Kepler, Johannes.
    Harmonices mundi libri V. Lincii Austriæ, Godofredi Tampachii bibl.
    Francof, Ioannes Plancus, 1619.
    [bound with]: Nova Stereometria doliorvm vinariorvm, in primis
    Austriaci figuræ omnium aptissimæ... Lincii 1615.
    Sold by F. Dörling 18/19 nov 1996, lot 130, to a buyer in Germany.
  4. Hobbes, Thomas.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  5. Donne, John.
    Poems, by J. D. With elegies on the authors death. London, M[iles] F[lesher] for Iohn Marriot, 1633.
    [bound with]: Ivvenilia: Or Certaine Paradoxes. And Problems. London 1633.
    Sold by F. Dörling 18/19 nov 1996, lot 1498, to a buyer in USA.
  6. Goethe, Johan Wolfgang von.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  7. Meissner, Daniel.
    Sciographia Cosmica, das ist Newes Emblematisches
    Buchlein darinnen in acht Centuriis die Vornembsten
    Stätt, Vestung Schlösser & c. der gantzen Welt.
    Nürnberg , P. Fürst, 1638-42.
    Sold by F. Dörling 26/27 may 1997, lot 480, to a buyer in Germany.
  8. Zeiller, Martin. (Merian, M.)
    Topographia Sveviae das ist, Beschreib- und Aigentliche
    Abcontrafeitung der fürnembsten Stätt und Plätz in Ober und Nider Schwaben, Hertzogthum Würtenberg
    Marggraffschafft Baden, und andern zu dem Hochlöbl-Schwabischen Craiße gehörigen Landtschafften und Orten.
    Franckfurt am Maÿn, Matthæm Merian, 1643.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 24/25 nov 1997, lot 505, to a buyer in Germany.
  9. Bertius, Petrus.
    Commentariorvm Rervm Germanicarvm libri tres. Primus est Germaniae veteris. Secundus, Germaniae loterioris, a Karolo Magno ad nostra vsq[ue] tempora, cum principum genealogijs. Tertius est praecipuarum Germaniae vrbium cum earum iconismis et descriptionibus.
    Amstelodami, Ioannem Ianssonium, 1632.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 16/17 nov 1998, lot 263, to a buyer in Germany.
  10. Borussia.
    Museum für Preussische Vaterlandskunde.
    Dresden, E. Pietzsch, 1838-42.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 16/17 nov 1998, lot 267, to a buyer in Germany.
  11. Werdenhagen, Johann Angelius.
    Rebus publicis Hanseaticis tractatus, cum urbium earum iconismis, descriptionibus, tabulis géographicis et nauticis...
    Francofurti, Matth. Merianum, 1641.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 16/17 nov 1998, lot 291, to a buyer in Germany.
  12. Hennepin, Louis.
    Repatriated to KB, 2013-07-22.
  13. Josselyn, John.
    New Englands Rarities discovered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country. Together with the physical and chyrurgical remedies wherewith the natives constantly use to cure their distempers, wounds, and sores.
    London, G. Widdowes, 1672.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 16/17 nov 1998, lot 434, to a buyer in The Netherlands.
  14. Lewis, Henry.
    Repatriated to KB, 2013-07-22.
  15. Fürstenberg, F. von.
    Repatriated to KB, 2012-09-18.
  16. Apian, Peter.
    Cosmographia Petri Apiani,per gemmam Frisium apud Louanienses Medicum & Mathematicum insigné, iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta, figurisque nouis illustrata.
    Parisiis, Vivantium Gaultherot, 1551.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 28/29 may 1999, lot 3, to a buyer in Germany.
  17. Nunes, Pedro.
    De crepusculis liber unus, nunc recens et natus et editus. Item Aliacen Arabis vetustissimi, de causis crepusculorum liber unus, a Gerardo Cremonensi jam olim latinitate donatus, nunc vero omnium primum in lucem editus.
    Olyssipone, L. Rodericus, 1542
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 28/29 may 1999, lot 52, to a buyer in USA.
  18. Dryander, Johann.
    Annulorum trium diversi generis instrumentorum astronomicorum componendi ratio atque usus.
    Marpurgi, E. Cervicornum, 1537.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 28/29 may 1999, lot 69, to a buyer in Italy.
  19. Huygens, Christiaan.
    Systema Saturnium, sive de causis mirandorum Saturni Phænomenon, et comite ejus planeta novo.
    Hagae Comitis, Adriani Vlacq, 1659.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 28/29 may 1999, lot 89, to a buyer in USA.
  20. Scheiner, Christoph.
    Repatriated to KB, 2015-06-17.
  21. Kininger, Vincenz Georg & Mansfeld, Joseph Georg.
    Abbildung der neuen Adjustierung der k.k. Armee.
    Seiner Königlichen Hoheit dem Erzherzog Ferdinand
    Karl alleruntertänigst zugeeignet …
    Wien, Mollo, [1796-98].
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 28/29 may 1999, lot 1210, to a buyer in Germany.
  22. Papin, Heinrich.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  23. Brand, [Johann] Christian.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  24. Tschudi, Aegidius.
    De prisca ac uera Alpina Rhaetia, cum caetero Alpinarum gentium tractu, nobilis ac erudita ex optimis quibusq[ue] ac probatissimis autoribus descriptio.
    Basileae, Mich. Isingrinium, 1538.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 36, to a buyer in Germany.
  25. Baudartius, Wilhelmus.
    Polemographia Auraico-Belgica, scriptore Wilhelmo Baudartio. Viva delineatio, ac descriptio omnium praeliorum, obsidianum, aliarumque rerum memorata dignarum, quae, durante bello adversus Hispaniarum Regem in Belgii provinciis, ...
    Amstelodami, Michaelem Colinium, 1622, 1621.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 252.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst, 21/22 may 2001, lot 178.
  26. Baudartius, Wilhelmus.
    Pourtraits en taille douce, et descriptions des sièges, batailles rencontres et autres choses advenues durant les guerres des Pays-Bas...
    Amsterdam, Michel Colin, 1616.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 253, to a buyer in The Netherlands.
  27. Bertelli, Pietro.
    Theatrum urbium Italicarum collectore Petro Bertello.
    Venetiis, Petrum Bertellium, 1599.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 312, to a buyer in Germany.
  28. Scott, Joseph.
    The United States gazetteer : containing an authentic description of the several states their situation, extent, boundaries, soil, produce, climate, population, trade and manufactures.
    Philadelphia, F. and R. Bailey, 1795.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 432, to a buyer in Germany.
  29. Venegas, Miguel.
    Noticia de la California, y de su conquista temporal, y espiritual hasta el tiempo presente sacada de la historia manuscrita, formada en Mexico año de 1739 por el padre Miguèl Venegas ...
    Madrid, Manuel Fernandez, 1757.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 436, to a buyer in Germany.
  30. Weirotter, Franz Edmund.
    Oeuvres de F.E.Weirotter, peintre allemand, né à Inspruck en 1730, et mort à Vienne en 1771.
    Contenant 215 paysages et ruines, dessinés d'après nature, tant en France qu'en Italie; gravés à l'eau-forte avec beaucoup de goût, par lui-même.
    Paris, Basan & Poignant, [1775?].
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 15/16 nov 1999, lot 1512, to a buyer in Italy.
  31. Montanus, Arnoldus.
    Gedenkwaerdige gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maetschappy in t' Vereenigde Nederland, aen de kaisaren van Japan...
    Amsterdam, Jac. van Meurs, 1669.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 22/23 may 2000, lot 467, to a buyer in Belgium.
  32. Champlain, Samuel de.
    Voyages et descouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France, depuis l'année 1615 iusques à la fin de l'année 1618...
    Paris, Claude Collet, 1620.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 22/23 may 2000, lot 524, to a buyer in USA.
  33. Dalrymple, Alexander.
    An historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean.
    London, pr. for the Author, 1770-71.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 22/23 may 2000, lot 527, to a buyer in Great Britain.
  34. Nieuhof, Johan.
    Gedenkwaerdige Zee- en Lant-reize door de voornaemste Landschappen van West en Oostindien.
    T' Amsterdam, J. van Meurs, 1682
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 22/23 may 2000, lot 536, to a buyer in Great Britain.
  35. Bordone, Benedetto.
    Isolario di Benedetto Bordone nel qual si ragiona di tutte l'isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole...
    Vinegia, Zoppino, 1534.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 13/14 nov 2000, lot 236, to a buyer in Germany.
  36. Quad, Matthias.
    Europæ totius terrarum orbis partis præstantissimæ, generalis ac particularis description…
    Coloniae, Bussemecher, 1596.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 13/14 nov 2000, lot 238, to a buyer in Great Britain.
  37. Occo, Adolpho.
    Pharmacopoeia, sev medicamentarium pro Rep. Augustana. Cui accessere simplicia omnia officinis nostris usitata, et annotationibus in eadem et composita, ab Adolpho Occone …
    Avgvstae Vindelicorvm, Willerus, 1573.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 21/22 may 2001, lot 25, to a buyer in USA.
  38. Zahn, Joannes.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  39. Bernoulli, Daniel.
    Repatriated to KB, 2023-03-31.
  40. Cardano, Girolamo.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  41. [Dialogus creaturarum]
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  42. Sabbattini, Nicola.
    Repatriated to KB, 2015-06-17.
  43. Fendt, Tobias.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  44. Ferrari, Giovanni Battista.
    Hesperides sive de malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quatuor.
    Romae, Hermanni Scheus, 1646.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 6/7 may 2002, lot 157, to a buyer in Great Britain.
  45. Wytfliet, Cornelius van.
    Repatriated to KB, 2012-06-15.
  46. Passebon, Henri Sbonski de.
    Plan de plusieurs bâtimens de mer avec leurs proportions...
    [Marseille] [ca. 1690]
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 19/20 may 2003, lot 507, to a buyer in Switzerland.
  47. Mahmoud Rayf.
    Tableau des nouveaux règlemens de l'empire ottoman, composé par Mahmoud Rayf Èfèndi.
    Constantinople, d'Abdurrahman, 1798.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 19/20 may 2003, lot 578, to a buyer in Germany.
  48. Catherwood, Frederick.
    Views of ancient monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan.
    London, F. Catherwood, 1844.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 19/20 may 2003, lot 600, to a buyer in USA.
  49. Breen, Adam van.
    Le maniement d'armes de Nassau, avevq rondelles, piques, espees & targes, representez par figures, selon le nouveau ordre du tresillustre prince Maurice de Nassau...
    La Haye, 1618
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 19/20 may 2003, lot 1054, to a buyer in Italy.
  50. Siebold, Philipp Franz von.
    Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutzländern: Jezo mit den südlichen Kurilen, Krafto, Koorai und den Liukiu-Inseln, nach japanischen und europäischen Schriften und eigenen Beobachtungen.
    Leyden, Bei dem Verfasser, 1852.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 17/18 nov 2003, lot 754, to a buyer in The Netherlands.
  51. Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johannes.
    Predigen teütsch und vil gütter Leeren des hochgeleerten Herrn Johan von Kaisersperg ...
    Augsburg, [Maister Hannszen Otmar], 1508.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 24/25 may 2004, lot 35, to a buyer in Germany.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 18 may 2009, lot 151.
  52. Maximilianus Transsylvanus.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  53. Scheuchzer, Johann Jacob.
    Ouresiphoit es Helveticus, sive Itinera per Helvetiæ alpinas regiones facta annis MDCCII - MDCCXI.
    Lugduni Batavorum, P. vander Aa, 1723.
    Sold by F. Dörling 13/14 may 1996, lot 350.
  54. Philoponus, Honorius.
    Repatriated to KB, 2012-06-25.
  55. Telesio, Antonio.
    Consentini de coronis libellus.
    Romae, Calvum, 1525.
    Sales unknown.
  56. Gerard, John.
    The herball, or Generall historie of plantes.
    London, Adam Islip Ioice Norton and Richard Whitakers, 1636.
    Repatriated to KB, 2023-05-25.
  57. Stevin, Simon.
    Problematum geometricorum. In gratiam D. Maximiliani, domini a Cruningen &c. editorum, libri V.
    Antverpiae, Ioannem Bellerum, [1583].
    Sold by F. Dörling 18/19 nov 1996, lot 116, to a buyer in USA.
  58. Münster, Sebastian.
    Fürmalung und künstlich beschreibung der Horologien.
    Basel, Petri, [1537].
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 13/14 nov 2000, lot 110, to a buyer in Great Britain.
  59. Apian, Peter.
    Instrument Buch.
    Ingolstadt, [1533].
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 13/14 nov 2000, lot 104, to buyer in Great Britain.
  60. Münster, Sebastian.
    Horologien, oder Sonnen uhren. Künstliche Beschreibung
    Basel, Petri, 1579.
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 13/14 nov 2000, lot 111, to a buyer in Austria.
  61. Münster, Sebastian.
    Repatriated to KB, 2021-10-22.
  62. Hogenberg, Frans.
    [”Geschichtsblätter”, 414 taf.]
    [Köln 1570-1630].
    Sold by Ketterer Kunst 6/7 may 2002, lot 264, to a buyer in Germany.

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